A source for esoteric education filled with enchantment and academic excellence. Our courses are designed to offer a journey of discovery, mastery, and mysticism; each one thoughtfully crafted to foster the magical potential within us all. Everyday Magic University is an offering to fools, mystics, and magic makers. May you find what you seek within her walls.
  • Immersive Learning

    Our courses contain a wide variety of learning devices including compelling visual aids, video instruction, digital downloads, journaling prompts, learning activities, playlists, and more!

  • Community-Driven

    Our courses are created with coven connection in mind. Most of our courses contain a community-focused element such as live group sessions or a private group chat for students.

  • Flexible Payment

    We offer interest-free payment plans on all courses over $250. Keep an eye out for new courses, as we typically offer our lowest price during the initial launch!